Closed captions

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Closed captions, or subtitles, are an important virtual access issue. Systems like Zoom and YouTube can generate computer generated captions, but they have a bad reputation having been widely mocked at big events. Employing professionals to produce them in real time is very expensive. Amateurs can do it, but that tends to introduce a 30s lag, which can distract, and absorb lots of staff time.

Its important to allow the captions to be turned off, both live and in recordings, as they can be a bad distraction, so systems that keep the streams separate right up to the final publication stage are key. Manual subtitles and video can be synchronised in recordings, but doing it perfectly is hard work.

International conventions should consider different languages, but again professional costs are high and machine translation problematic. Some web solutions may just work with a browser like Chrome doing the work. International visitors are still likely to speak the language of the hosting country.
